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CrackSense, a Horizon Europe project dedicated to developing advanced sensing technologies to mitigate fruit cracking in citrus, pomegranate, table grapes, and sweet cherries, has officially established a strategic synergy with TALLHEDA, a Horizon Europe WIDERA project focused on fostering a long-term Alliance for Digital Agriculture. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the advancement of smart agricultural solutions and data-driven innovation.

CrackSense, which spans from January 2023 to December 2026, brings together 14 partners from 7 countries to upscale real-time monitoring technologies that assess the risk of fruit cracking. The project aims to integrate multi-source data, including Earth Observation and edge computing, to develop predictive models and smart decision support systems (SDSSs) for improved agricultural resilience.

TALLHEDA, on the other hand, is a visionary initiative connecting agricultural Higher Education Institutes from Greece and Serbia with leading European universities and international stakeholders from Belgium. Its mission is to build the critical mass of highly skilled scientists and strengthen regional innovation ecosystems by fostering the Quadruple Helix of innovation.

The synergy between CrackSense and TALLHEDA will enable the integration of cutting-edge sensing technologies with digital agriculture education and research. This collaboration will enhance knowledge exchange, facilitate technology transfer, and support policy development for sustainable and resilient agricultural practices.

CrackSense is thrilled to establish this synergy with TALLHEDA, as it will accelerate the deployment of digital solutions in agriculture while bridging research with real-world applications. This partnership will empower researchers, farmers, and policymakers with the necessary tools to mitigate fruit cracking and improve agricultural sustainability.

Through this collaboration, both projects will work towards joint initiatives, workshops, and field activities, ensuring that the latest digital innovations reach stakeholders across widening and non-widening regions in Europe. The partnership is expected to contribute to the broader goals of Horizon Europe by strengthening the digital transformation of agriculture and enhancing its resilience to environmental challenges.


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Project coordination

Prof. Konstantinos Demestichas

Agricultural University of Athens

Project communication

MSc Angeliki Milioti

Smart Agro Hub

Project Framework

TALLHEDA has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101136578.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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